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Indian Mythology | Assiniboin Mythology | |||||||||
Equus Stuprator
A horse was carrying a heavy load of meat. As his mistress was leading him, equus naribus cum vulva ludere conatus est. The next day the camp was broken. When the man was gone, the stallion tried to possess the woman, and began to bite her. shoulders. She tied him to a post, and ran towards a mud-hole. Tearing the, rope, the horse followed her, losing his burden. The woman climbed a tree. The stallion went around it, dug up the earth, and caused the tree to fall. The woman jumped to another tree, but this was likewise uprooted. The woman tried to hide among the fruits, but her pursuer laid her on a log and gratified his passion, thereby killing her. When her husband returned at night, he did not find his wife home, and went to seek her. He saw the stallion's, as well as his wife's, footprints, and found his wife dead. After burying the corpse, he pursued the stallion and shot him at sight. Returning to camp, he told his friends what had happened. Canis Stuprator A man killed a moose. His wife went to fetch it, and packed the meat on a dog. The dog barked and refused to return. She waited for him and finally went back. When she got close to him, he commenced to wag his tail and looked into her eyes. The woman said, "If you will not walk, I '11 kill you on the spot." The dog rose and embraced her with his legs, throwing her down. She tried to get away, but he prevented her. "I shall kill you, unless you let me do as I wish." Then he satisfied his lust. The woman was ashamed and did not want to go back to camp. Her husband went to look for her, and found the meat on the ground. For a long time the dog and the woman could not be found. At last, some other people found them. The woman had given birth to seven pups. Her husband killed the dog when the woman told him what had happened. He informed the rest of the people. The Two Hunters Two men were traveling together. They were starving, so that they could hardly walk. Only one of them had a gun, and he had but a single cartridge. They caught sight of a buffalo. "I '11 shoot." "No, I'll shoot first." The man with the gun crawled along, followed by his companion. Just as the man in front was pulling the trigger, his comrade thrust his moistened finger into the shooter's anus. The shot went wide of the mark, and the man in the rear laughed aloud. The other man would have shot him, but he had no more cartridges. The Goose And Her Lover All the people were on the warpath. One man was always lagging behind to embrace a large white goose. When the tents were pitched on a hill, the man lived with his people. The goose came to the camp to look for her lover. When she found him, she seated herself beside him. He fled, but she pursued him. He ran towards the brush, but she continued hovering above him. At last, he offered her some of his property, and she then let him alone. Mentula Loquens The people were starving. They were looking for buffalo. A young man went on a hill to look out for them. He urinated towards the buffalo. Tunc penem erectum hoc modo allocutus: "Videsne boves?" To this it replied, "Yes, I see them," and continued repeating these words without stop. It was the young man's wedding night, and he felt very much ashamed. He walked about, trying to stop the noise with his hands. He failed to do so. A man tried to help him, but in vain. Mentula semper eadem verba iterabat. A friend wanted to take him home, but the young man was too much ashamed. Not even a man noted for his dreams could do anything for him. At last, a young man said, "Your mother-in-law must hold it in her hands." The hero said he would sooner die than resort to this remedy, but at last he yielded. His head was covered with a robe, his mother-in-law seized it, and it stopped talking. The Punished Lover's Revenge There was an Indian who had many wives. A young man once came in at night and ravished one of them. When he wished to depart, she held him, crying for help. Her husband and the other women awoke and seized the intruder. The husband said to the woman, "Ad viri nares vulvam team attere." She obeyed. Tunc mentulam ita ligaverunt ut mingere non posset. They also tied his arms, and then let him go. He went to the top of a hill, and stayed there for several days. His member gradually swelled to the size of a horse's head. Four Indian horsemen who saw him were so amused at the sight that they fell from horseback. The other people thought they had been killed by the man and pursued him. When they saw him, all began to laugh. They called him Big-Laugh-Maker. The young man was so ashamed that he spoke to no one. At last, his brother relieved him. Both the young man and his brother were very angry. The old husband was out hunting once, and the woman who had been ravished was lagging behind the rest of the party. The punished lover followed her with his friends. He went ahead of them. When the woman saw him,-she declared that she was glad to see him. Then he ravished her. He called all his friends, and each of them satisfied his passion. Post coitum ad omnes corporis partes mentulas attriverunt. Then they were even with her. Big-Frog Long ago, there lived a crazy old man named Big-Frog, who used to play tricks on all the other Indians. Half of the Indians were going in one direction, and the remainder in the opposite direction. Big-Frog hid his two sons at the parting of the roads and killed his son-in-law. He said to his son, "Some one has slain my son-in-law." Another man seized the dead man's headdress and Frog went after him and his people. He slew his brother-in-law, though his sister begged him to spare her husband's life. Then she asked the other people to kill Frog. One man, named Buffalo, seeing his brother killed, approached Frog. "You bad man, you have slain my brother." Frog replied, "I fear no one, he slew my son-in-law." Buffalo proposed to fight in the plain. Then he shot off arrows, killing Frog's sons. Frog pretended to have been killed himself. Two boys passed his supposed corpse. One of them said, "Aha! that is the way you ought to lie dead in the road." He struck an arrow into Frog's eye, and, seeing it move, he said, "I think he is not dead yet." The boys went to tell Buffalo. Buffalo said, "He is a tricky old man, perhaps he is merely counterfeiting death." As soon as Buffalo approached, Frog ran away, and his wife stealthily seized an ax to kill Buffalo. She approached Buffalo, saying, "Kiss me, I love you." But Buffalo was not deceived, and when she approached he killed her. All of Frog's friends were slain. Some old people are still living who witnessed this. Before this happened, the Frog and the Buffalo people were wont to camp together. The Badger The badger is the strongest of the animals. Two comrades1 saw a badger making a hole in the ground. One of them caught it by both its feet and tried to pull it out, but was too weak. Then both men tried together, and failed. One man then released his hold, but the other, holding the badger's feet, stuck his arm in deep. The badger caught his hand, and the youth could not get away all night. All the Indians came to help him. The next day, at sunset, the badger let him go. 1 Said to be identical with the heroes of "Sharpened-Leg," p. 186. This site includes some historical materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the WebMasters in any way endorse the stereotypes implied . Anthropological Papers American Museum of Natural History, 1909
Copyright Indian Mythology, 2006